
DMV Suspended Registration

When a vehicle’s registration is suspended by the DMV, it means that the vehicle is no longer legally allowed to be operated on public roads. To clear a suspended registration, individuals must purchase auto insurance. Having auto insurance is a legal requirement if you’re driving on California roads. To ensure that, the DMV has implemented electronical reporting to monitor insurance – car owners whose insurance is cancelled or lapsed will be subject to a suspended registration.

How to Clear a Suspended Registration

clear a suspended registration

The steps to clear a suspension are short and simple:

  1. Purchase insurance, or in situations where the policy is lapsed or cancelled, reinstate your policy.
  2. Pay the $14 reinstatement fee.
  3. Have your insurance manually confirmed over the phone.

How Long Does It Take To Reinstatement My Suspended License?

how long does it take suspended registration

Generally, two main strategies exist for addressing a suspended registration, and the approach you select will determine the duration required to resolve the situation:

  1. Allow the insurance to be electronically reported to the DMV – the suspension will clear within 2-3 days.
  2. Allow our team to clear the suspension for you – the suspension is cleared instantly.

I already have insurance - Why is my registration still suspended?

why is my registration still suspended

If your registration got suspended before you purchased insurance – you are subject to paying the $14 fee. It is not enough to purchase insurance – that fee must be paid. There are also scenarios where the insurance was purchased before, but it still got suspended. These things do happen – let us take care of it for you. Click on the link below and submit your request online to have it lifted!

Frequently Asked Questions

1 - Apply in person at the DMV

2 - Apply online at the DMV

3 Apply in person at AAA

4 Apply in person at Quick Auto Tags

5 Apply online at Quick Auto Tags

$27.00 - as of this year. However, this fee changes annually. You may also get a new title free of charge IF the DMV never sent it AND if there is no change in address.

Generally speaking, the average customer gets their title within 2 weeks and sometimes sooner. The DMV will issue your title the next day - however, they use the United States Postal Service - so the DMV may send it, but the USPS may not deliver it.

Submit your application and fee (if any) to a DMV office or by mail to:

DMV, P.O. Box 942869, Sacramento, CA 94269.

When the original California Certificate of Title is lost, stolen, damaged, unreadable, or not received, you must get a replacement. To do this, the vehicle's legal or registered owner (if there's no legal owner on record with the DMV) needs to fill out the "Application for Replacement or Paperless Title" (REG 227) form and pay the required fee for a replacement title.

You don't need to notarize Form REG 227 if the registration doesn't show a legal owner.

Yes, you should check the registration card when using a REG 227 for a vehicle purchase. Here's why:

  1. Match Vehicle Information: Ensure the details on the registration card align with the actual vehicle, especially the VIN.
  2. Owner Details: Verify the current owner's name(s) and how they are joined (like “and/or”).
    Vehicle Specs: Check the license plate number, VIN, make, year, and expiration date.
  3. Title Brands: Look for any title brands, such as 'salvaged'.
  4. Title Status: If it says “Nontransferable/No California Title Issued,” a REG 227 can't be used for this vehicle.

This means that a California title was NOT issued - an out of state title exists, and therefore is NOT transferrable in California without an actual title. DO NOT BUY A CAR THAT HAS THIS BRANDING WITHOUT A TITLE.

Titles are mailed out by the California DMV from Sacramento - you cannot pick these up in person.

This option may not be available due to staffing issues.

The answer is "it depends". If there is a legal owner (finance company) the REG 227 must be signed and notarized by that legal owner. There are other reasons that will prevent you from buying a car with a REG 227 - in general - if the title is free of legal/lien holders and it's low in value - the REG 227 will suffice.

quick auto tags in riverside

Quick Auto Tags

Quick Auto Tags 5586 Mission Blvd Ste B Riverside, CA 92509
Tel: (951)409-9091